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Whitley Strieber

Ep322 Wolfen (1981) & Dr Giggles (1992) Reviews


Ep322 Wolfen (1981) & Dr Giggles (1992) Reviews

The Aftermath of last week has left us in shambles and unable to pick movies that work together. SO.. in true BTV Fashion this week is brought to you by that fun, love and chaos. This week we dive into a few completely different movies that you may or may not know. First we review WOLFEN (1981) Where and ancient natural force is literraly tearing the folks of New York into pieces for building on their land some thousands of years ago. A few detectives think it may be some of the indigenous folk, but it may be something they never expected at all. Then we review a Horror Comedy Dr. GIGGLES (1992) About a son of a doctor who's father practiced some pretty heinous experiments on the local townsfolk of a small city. When the son escapes the mental institution it's time to take up daddy's old profession as THE Dr. Giggles in fun and gore filled ways. ALL on this WEEKS EPISODE! Full of trivia fun and ... us! JOIN US!
