A VHS homage to Slasher Films, Drive-in Movie Culture and Halloween Public Service Announcements, in Picture Show Format.
This week is about to get spooky. Are you ready for what’s coming or out right now in the horror genre? Well, buckle up friends! Here is a list of New Horror Trailers & Releases to die for this week.
Have you seen the new CREEPSHOW on Shudder? Alex did and he has a video review of what he thought. Check it out.
Microwave ovens can heat up your food pretty fast. But, in most cases, the food may taste shittier than if you have the time/patience to use a regular oven. Microwaves heat food through radiation, which can also explode a person's head if one can figure out how to do it right.
Rape Revenge films seem to be a touchy subject now a days, but some horror fans feel they may not be what you think they are. That includes our newest writer Rebecca Rinehart. Hear her out and let us know what you think.
Naturally one always attributes body horror to David Cronenberg, and rightfully so. He may not have been the first but he sure did set the standard. But lately, over the last five years in particular, there has been quite the explosion of more female oriented body horror. And many really pushed the envelope. Something I can appreciate. So let's take a look at eight notable features.
This week is about to get spooky. Are you ready for what’s coming or out right now in the horror genre? Well, buckle up friends! Here is a list of New Horror Trailers & Releases to die for this week.
This week is about to get spooky. Are you ready for what’s coming or out right now in the horror genre? Well, buckle up friends! Here is a list of New Horror Trailers & Releases to die for this week.
This week is about to get spooky. Are you ready for what’s coming or out right now in the horror genre? Well, buckle up friends! Here is a list of New Horror Trailers & Releases to die for this week.
This week is about to get spooky. Are you ready for what’s coming or out right now in the horror genre? Well, buckle up friends! Here is a list of New Horror Trailers & Releases to die for this week.
Since its release back in 2018, the film regarded to most as "The Expendables of Horror" (a title which director B. Harrison Smith had stated he was not too fond of), left genre fans utterly disappointed, having most of them state things such as the film was disappointing, all the way through to saying that it's the worst film they've ever seen.
Are you ready for what’s coming or out right now in the horror genre? Well, buckle up friends! Here is a list of New Horror Trailers & Releases to die for this week.
When two sisters go to an isolated cabin in the woods to film a passion project, family secrets start to get in the way, as do masked strangers filming a passion project of their own.
Hey, Beyond The Voiders! Here before you is the first segment of a new series I'll be doing on Top-Notch franchises that were stopped after 3 films, forming a trilogy or, SHOULD HAVE been stopped after 3 films, making the story a trilogy. The first franchise to lie down on my operating table is none other than...
Are you ready for what’s coming or out right now in the horror genre? Well, buckle up friends! Here is a list of New Horror Trailers & Releases to die for this week.
Are you ready for what’s coming or out right now in the horror genre? Well, buckle up friends! Here is a list of New Horror Trailers & Releases to die for this week.
Six complete strangers recall the details of their individual experiences with alien forces-sharing the terrifying stories of their abductions and possessions.
Are you ready for what’s coming or out right now in the horror genre? Well, buckle up friends! Here is a list of New Horror Trailers & Releases to die for this week.
Are you ready for what’s coming or out right now in the horror genre? Well, buckle up friends! Here is a list of New Horror Trailers & Releases to die for this week.
Are you ready for what’s coming or out right now in the horror genre? Well, buckle up friends! Here is a list of New Horror Trailers & Releases to die for this week.