By Eric Myford
Some people don't like gore in their horror, nothing wrong with that. But for those of us who do, we seriously cannot get enough of it. There's just something about seeing human bodies ripped apart in such visceral ways that brings a smile to a gorehound's face. Practical FX only of course. So let's just dive into this very NSFW compilation of ten of the goriest horror movies ever made, part one of ???
10 of the Goriest Horror Films Ever Made
Dead Alive aka Braindead (1992)
Kind of a granddaddy of modern gore, while it was over the top, it certainly also had a fair amount of realism as well, and that's why it's so beloved. Old gore films from the Herschell Gordon Lewis era certainly had their charm, but were super fake. Here the blood actually looks like blood and we also get copious amounts of body parts. Such a classic.
Evil Dead II – Dead By Dawn (1987)
Speaking of classic, this one must be mentioned. Sure the original was gory but this one takes things to a whole other level. Realistic amounts of gore? Not even remotely. But is it fun? Oh hell yes. The camp and the gore give this movie an undeniable charm and there's a reason this is still beloved by horror fans the world over.
High Tension (2003)
Ridiculous ending aside, this is a great movie and is very notable for the crazy gory kill sequences. So brutal in its execution, but it's not just the brutality, it's the inventive methods of death that make the movie truly memorable. Also, when you start a movie with a killer skullfucking a decapitated head, you really have to go all out.
Planet Terror (2007)
Sadly I think this one gets overlooked because it was a major release by a well known director, but wow does this movie not shy away from the gore. And of course other ooey gooey moments peppered throughout. But this first half of Grindhouse had a serious body count and never shied away from extreme bloodshed.
Martyrs (2008)
Violence is the name of the game here and we get quite the variety. The fact that the story is so well done and deep is also why this film is an absolute masterpiece. From shotgun blasts to razors and so much more, the brutality here is just off the charts. Come for the gore, stay for the sheer brilliance that is this film.
Tokyo Gore Police (2008)
It's right there in the title so it has to be gory, right? Oh, you betcha. Super over the top gore on display here. How many gallons of blood does the body hold? At least a hundred or so according to this movie. But this film is insanity on every level with a frenetic pace, crazy ass scenes and more blood than we have possibly ever seen before.
Day of the Dead (1985)
Fun fact, Romero took a smaller budget for this movie so he could make the gore filled epic he wanted, and he did not disappoint. There is some gore here and there but the third act is when everything hits the fan and we are treated to some of the most iconic kills of any zombie movie, or horror movie in general for that matter.
Terrifier (2016)
Adam Chaplin – Violent Avenger (2011)
This movie came out of nowhere and hit me with 1-2 punch, forever putting Necrostorm on my radar. At the time, this was by far the most gore drenched movie I had ever seen and the violence was so over the top and insane, I couldn't get enough it. Making it the king of all gore films that had come before it. Until…
Little Necro Red (2019)
And then Necrostorm outdid itself in a big way. I liked everything they did to one degree or another but this movie is nothing short of extraordinary, and is by far the best thing I have seen so far this year. It's just a great movie but the gore is out of this universe. Hyperstylized, incredibly fast paced, a gif would not do it justice, so just watch the trailer. This is the new high point in gore films.
Little Necro Red TRAILER
There are more to love beyond this and I will be back with additional entries, because while I like a more cerebral horror film as well, a good gory mess just appeals to the gorehound in me, hardcore.
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