
Short horror films have become much more popular over the years and it makes sense. How many horror movies have you watched that were just too damn long? Forced to fit into that 90 minute runtime and filled with so much fluff. I have said many a time, damn, that would have worked better as a short or anthology segment. Because even less than stellar short films aren't as bad when they're, well, short. So I've been diving into loads of shorts and I want to share some of the more exceptional ones with you, with links, for ease of viewing. So here we go with part one of ten fantastic short horror films.


10 Short Horror Films [w/ Links] To Watch RIGHT NOW!

Point of View (2015) Justin Harding

A coroner finds herself stalked by a zombie, but only when she's not looking directly at it. Such a great concept and perfect for a short, this movie manages to pull off tension, horror and even a little humor in only 8 minutes.


The Ash: Safe Haven – 2017 – Marty Stalker

Volcanic ash has covered the city but people must still try and live their lives. A mother must leave her son at home to seek work, but he must contend with the horrible infection the ash spreads. This is so brilliant, I love infection movies and this one is so complete in only 17 pulse pounding minutes.


Zygote – 2017 – Neill Blomkamp

Two survivors in an arctic base are forced to try and fight off a horrific creature unlike anything they have seen before. I love this movie so much, and yeah it may be reminiscent a bit to The Thing, but is definitely still its own brilliant animal. A very dense 23 minutes.


Blight – 2016 – Christopher Goodman, Kate Walshe

This movie takes place after the events of the H.P. Lovecraft tale, The Color Out of Space as a detective investigates a small family farm that has had no contact with the town. Wow, this is just such a lovely companion piece rife with incredible FX and a poignant tale in a mere 6 minute runtime.


Not Alone in Here – 2020 – David F. Sandberg

A woman having a quiet night to herself slowly realizes she is not alone. The most recent short of Sandberg's as I write this is probably my most favorite yet. Also his longest at 6 minutes it shows an even more refined film that is incredibly effective.


Voodoo – 1999 – Gregg Bishop

A man attends a date with a single mother but her daughter has other plans and uses a voodoo doll to try and get rid of him. I love Bishop's work so I had to check out his student film and wow, what a pleasure. Loaded with both horror and comedy, this is such a gem in about 5 minutes.


Bedfellows – 2008 – Drew Daywalt

A woman wakes up to a phone call from her husband, but who is that lying next to her in bed? At only about 3 minutes, I had to highlight this great film because its so effective at such a short runtime. Very impressive and definitely leaves a visual with you.


The Infernal Boiling Pot – 1903 – Georges Melies

Two demons boil people alive in an effort to conjure forth their spirits. Going a bit old school here with the beginnings of horror in this very clever trick film that manages to provide quite a lot of entertainment in just 2 minutes.


Your Filthy Heart – 2018 – Evan Dickson

A woman opens a mysterious box that causes her to be hunted down by her own regrets. I was drawn to this short by the always amazing Alex Essoe but stayed for what turned out to be quite a great little film. Delicious terror in only 8 minutes. Would love to see a feature length version.


Alone Time – 2013 – Rod Blackhurst

A woman looks to get out of the city and into nature for the weekend only for things not to go as planned. Such a peculiar short because all the horror is saved for the last seconds, and yet it works. It's engrossing and enjoyable and then when the chills hit, wow, they sure do hit.


This is only part one, something to wet your whistle and there will be many more of these in the future. Because there are a ton of shorts and I will find all the great ones. So I hope you found some new fun films to pass the time and maybe give you a scare or two. Until next time!



Author and poet currently residing in Tucson, AZ. Ever since he was a child, Eric Myford has had an obsession with horror. Fortunately, his parents never took issue with his genre of choice and allowed him to watch and read what he wanted.


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