By Dr.LoveGore
Having more time to watch new/old movies and TV shows due to quarantine time has brought me to finally watch what I've put off for far too long. I'm talking about a TV series involving two young brothers who, through the orders of their father, hunt demons, werewolves, vampires, and every other "supernatural" entity to ever be thought of.
This is a show, I admit, I placed on the back burner due to the fact every girl my age and their sisters were constantly babbling about how good looking the two brothers were. So, I figured "It's gotta just be some teenybopper show for teenage girls."
Now, I've always liked the actors that play Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) Winchester. I've enjoyed their work in everything I've seen them in. For that reason alone I wanted to watch the show one day - give it its fair shot. Eventually time passed and I heard of a very interesting crossover, SUPERNATURAL MEETS SCOOBY DOO! Now I wanted to watch this show even more!
Of course, on top of work getting in the way, I'm a dvd and blu ray fiend, so, I was checking out new movies more than TV shows (with the exception of The Walking Dead) for a short while. Once again, SUPERNATURAL had more time to go before it crossed paths with me.
One night, a swift nudge in the right direction came after I was reading TWD news online. The article was about how the two fictional brothers, Sam and Dean, in the latest episode of SUPERNATURAL had found a baseball bat and quipped how their dad would have loved it. Their dad, John Winchester, is played by actor Jeffrey Dean Morgan who of course also plays the bat-wielding bastard Negan on TWD. To me, only a cool show would throw in an awesome Easter Egg like that.
Then, in comes my girlfriend who I met through our love of Horror movies. Through natural conversation she asked me if I had seen the show. After I responded with a humble "No" she told me that SUPERNATURAL has some grisly gore in it. Nothing to write home to 1987 Peter Jackson about, but enough to whet the bloody appetite.
Finally, a couple of months into 2020, I watched the first episode of the show with my lovely girlfriend. I immediately liked the vibe but wanted to give a few more episodes a try to fully say if I wanted to continue with the series. And I'm happy to say SUPERNATURAL exceeded my expectations! The story was a bit better than I expected it to be, I already liked the two main leads, and the gore truly blew me away! I started thinking that maybe this show got away with so much terrific gore because the censors thought the same way I did, they slept on it.
So, thanks to my wonderful girl who asked me the right question one day which was "Hey, babe, you wanna watch SUPERNATURAL?" I fully understand my stupidity for sleeping on this show and not giving it a try a whole lot sooner.
Right below are scenes I've written about that could have fit in perfectly with some of my past lists, as well as links to each list mentioned.
These choices are from seasons 1-7. A second part to this list may happen if there's enough material in seasons 8-15 that again, could have fit properly into one of my past write-ups.
With that I give you...
10 Times I slept on SUPERNATURAL
***There are small to major spoilers in this article.
10. Season 5 Episode 14
List: 9 Nifty Nosebleeds
This effect may not be too overwhelming, but a lot of strong stories including this one prove that a good nosebleed shouldn't go underestimated. When this happens to a protagonist in a Horror movie or TV show, it usually means the bad guys are in for a golden ass whooping.
Take for example this bad news bastard who shot himself in the foot when giving Sam some well-needed demon blood to digest. Instead of just taking out some demons, Sam takes out Famine itself in human form.
9. Season 5 Episode 11
List: Top 14 Weapons In Weird Places
14 Weapons In Weird Places was an interesting list to put together. When I thought about scenes I could compile, I couldn't believe how many there were. To be fair, when the topic of monsters is being dealt with, shit can get strange real fast. SUPERNATURAL knows strange and has literally thrown everything that can possibly be thrown at its audience - the weird and the not so weird. And I obviously grinned like a stoned stooge (because that's exactly what I was in that moment) when I saw this unusual weapon scene. SUPERNATURAL, where have you been all my life? Just kidding, you've been within arm's reach and I'm glad we finally met!
8. Season 5 Episode 18
List: Top 8 Box Cutter Scenes In Horror
I believe it was Mario Bava's final film SHOCK that sparked the idea for the box cutter list. It's a solid Horror movie weapon that doesn't get mentioned as much as the machete, chainsaw, knife or even a nail gun. It's small so it has to be used with brutal force for it to be effective, but it can do a lot of damage. Realistically it’s not that flashy which is probably why it's not that popular, but at least it's made its way into some good Horror movies. Oh, and TV shows. In this episode of SUPERNATURAL, an angel with a box cutter named Castiel carves a sign in his chest that when palmed, banishes angels from that location.
7. Season 4 Episode 17
List: 7 Microwave Scenes In Horror
I laughed my ass off when I saw this part of the episode. I mean, how many microwave death scenes are there? Not many, I found out, as I only had 7 moments that came to mind. This is where I really felt that I slacked off by not watching this show sooner, but, things happen for a reason as they say, and here we are with a whole list dedicated to this show. As for the scene itself, it fuckin rocks! The whole episode has people being killed in heinous albeit creative methods. This microwave bit is one that stands out though!
6. Season 4 Episode 17
List: Top 11 Elevator Deaths
Same season: same episode. This is the death scene that stood out just a beard hair more than number 7. Also, it could have been on my first list here on LLTV. Yup, Top 11 Elevator scenes in Horror. This particular piece from the fourth season is so bad-ass. We get a spray of blood and some twitching legs. What else do we want from an elevator scene in a cable TV show? In fact, this kill is good enough to be in an R-Rated feature film.
5. Season 6 Episode 6
List: Top 12 Tongues In Horror
One of my most popular lists I've been told, is the Top 12 Tongues In Horror. I Know my number 1 pick ruffled a few feathers, but I like to be fair, at least in my mind. By the way, you'd think tongue scenes are a dime a dozen, but trust me, when you start collecting just from memory, there's less than you think. Plus, some of the visuals weren't as intense or gross l as I remembered them being. Luckily, SUPERNATURAL ain’t scared of bloodshed and even slipped in some tongue in this truth-telling episode. The victim is already dead, but the tongue being ripped out is still enough to guffaw at.
4. Season 7 Episode 5
List: 9 Barber Shop/Hair Salon Scenes In Horror
I was a little surprised to see this type of unconventional splatter, FINAL DESTINATION-type scene. It opens the episode and sets a mean tone that delivers further and properly. Chunks of flesh on the victim's head are seen as she slumps down lifeless. Much like with the microwave bit, this scene's magic forces me to give this series an enormous amount of credit and respect. The showrunners and writers have literally thought of everything that can be thought of… for now anyway.
3. Season 3 Episode 8
List: Top 13 Fingernail Scenes In Horror
A sure way to make viewers turn away or squirm is by breaking, chipping, or peeling off a fingernail of a helpless victim… or a piece of shit antagonist. Alex, who uploads the articles after they're written said he had a hard time putting the fingernail list up. That's the only time he's ever told me that. It's fair to say, these scenes are hard to watch. Believe me, it wasn't easy putting the GIFS together, but I had to face my fears. This fingernail gag here is no less of a teeth-grind than any of my choices from the said list.
Sam's reaction is exceptionally appropriate, and the two actors playing the pagen gods applying the torture are both funny and disturbing as they inflict pain on the show's heroes.
2. Season 5 Episode 14
List: Top 10 Hot Oil Scenes In Horror
I wrestled with making this number 1. It's basically a tie between this and the actual number 1, but I thought about it a little more until I made a decision.
Hot oil scenes in movies or shows have particularly made me wince since I was a boy. I was warned by my mother and grandmother how dangerous hot oil is. It'll make your food taste great, but it can maim you in less than a second. Having my worst thoughts ping pong back and forth in my head after learning this information, these scenes were extremely intense for me to see. I think the first one I saw was in JASON GOES TO HELL. I still cringe when I see a new hot oil special effect. The one we're talking about here has a cook dipping his hands into oil to devour fried food. Straight up bare-handing it. Ironically it's more disturbing by the cook NOT being phased by pain while consuming boiling hot french fries. The visual of scorching hot oil dripping from his hands and mouth is absolutely barbaric. I love it!
1. Season 3 Episode 7
List: 11 Wicked Wire Scenes In Horror
The granddaddy of them all… the razor wire death of the hunter turned vampire - Gordon. I was lit the fuck up seeing the show go down this road. Gordon was a strong part of the story, and to see the changes his character went through as well as how badass he went out was exhilarating! That, to me, showed SUPERNATURAL had strength in not only satisfying gore, but anticipative storytelling. The scene goes on for what feels like a solid two minutes, although it's probably only 20-30 seconds. The reaction shots make this hit hard and with a dash of fun (for us gore fiends).
So, to conclude my tip of the hat to SUPERNATURAL, I strongly suggest giving this show a shot. I can promise you this, for one reason or another, it will entertain you.
A few facts about SUPERNATURAL
Sam’s birthday falls on May 2, but it just so happens the show’s creator Eric Kripke’s son was born on May 2. Strangely enough, Kripke’s son was born 2 years after he gave Sam that birthday. It’s almost as if there were some *supernatural* force that made that happen.
Source: IMDB
Marc Singer and Bruce Campbell were the original choices for the John Winchester role.
Before bringing SUPERNATURAL to television, creator Eric Kripke had been developing the series for nearly ten years having been fascinated with urban legends since he was a child.
I hope everyone is staying safe in these rough times. We appreciate every person that listens to the podcast and checks out the website. Take care, Beyond The Voiders!
Dr.LoveGore is all about the gore, and quality in anything related to Horror. Movies, soundtracks, comic books, novels, you name it, he loves it!
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