As some of you may or may not know. We had previously been taken down from iTunes. There are many theories as to why we were removed. We have even spoken of this to you guys on the podcast. Speculations aside and after months of trying to fix the situation. We are finally back on iTunes! AND it's on the day of our ANNIVERSARY! Coincidence??
So what does this mean? Well.. Majority of podcast listeners are on iTunes. Even though there are numerous other places to find a podcast. It's just the nature of the beast. So with that said. We are looking for our friends and listeners to help us out a bit.
What can you do to help?
Working Together
Because you kick ass!
1. Sign up for an iTunes account.
2. Go To our Podcast Page on iTunes CLICK HERE
3. Rate our Podcast
4. Give our podcast a review
These things help us out tremendously. "Why is that?" you say. Well if our podcast has enough ratings and reviews. We get pushed into a higher bracket on iTunes. Which means that we will be able to be seen by more podcast listeners and more friends just like you that keep this podcast running.
I don't like to ask for anything from you guys but this is something that only takes a little bit of your time and goes a long way to help us out. If you could help us out by doing that even if you don't have an iTunes account. We would greatly appreciate it. It seriously has been one of the most frustrating things I have had to deal with for almost an entire year.
Thank You from the bottom of our HEARTS!
Owner / Co-Host / Producer