By Dr.LoveGore
Hello, Beyond The Voiders and welcome! Let me start this article by saying I've written about various weapons on many lists here on longlivethevoid. Some are more obvious than others as to why they aren't used too often. Certain weapons can be too small or too big or just plain awkward to carry around.
But this one particular tool that almost definitely gave (and probably still gives) every child in every classroom across the world a vision of maimed fingers should definitely be used more often. I’m talking about the trusty paper cutter. Even though a lot of shit is digital nowadays, doesn't mean a filmmaker can't throw one in to splatter things up a bit. I’m sure plenty of offices still use these oddly, brutal-looking contraptions. When I was a boy growing up , I could feel the sharpness of the paper cutter, even so, when somebody would just lift the handle up. These things just feel dangerous to be around.
Because I find this vicious implement an extremely looked over Horror movie weapon, I've collected 7 scenes that prove this sharp blade deserves to be in the horror-weapons hall of fame along with the kitchen knife, machete and so on.
According to Wiki:
A paper cutter, also known as a paper trimmer, also sometimes described as a paper guillotine or simply guillotine, is a tool often found in offices and classrooms, designed to cut a large set of paper sheets at once with a straight edge.
Sounds safe enough… right?
Now with all that, let's slice into...
7 Paper Cutter Scenes in Horror!!!
Spoilers in this list
7. A Nightmare On Elm Street (2010)
This is a movie that rightfully, to many people, doesn't exist. I'm sort of one of those people except I'm a realist so, I l know it does exist. I don't care for it, not because of what it is but because, the dialog is poor, the director (to me) wasn't right for the project and... I may be in the minority here, but I don't think Jackie Earle Haley did all that great. I love his acting in everything else I've seen him in, but he is no Robert Englund.
Now, onto the money shot here. This reimagined Nancy takes a paper cutter to the reimagined F. Krueger's throat after chopping off his gloved hand. Mr. Krueger makes a funny face, bleeds profusely and that's about it, nothing too saucy here. Onto the next one.
Into The Dark: Season 1 Episode 11 - "School Spirit" (2019)
Here we have Hulu's "ok" modern day attempt at a slasher movie. It's essentially THE BREAKFAST CLUB in slasher form. The final girl is pretty good as far as being believable that she can outsmart the killer. The deaths range from mediocre, to decent, to one near the finale that really gives us gore loving slasher fans what we ask for.
This paper cutter scene is one of the movie's passable homicides. Although, I would have liked it to go further; The victim has one of the most peculiar throats I've ever seen. It’d have been delightful if the special effect followed through and showed the blade go through the skin. Maybe the SFX crew did do a whole effect and the director chose not to use it or maybe what is shown is exactly what was intended to be shown....not sure. Either way, in the future give us gore hounds what we want!!! No close-up throat shots should be spared!!!
5. The Faculty (1998)
A script by Kevin Williamson directed by Robert Rodriguez... in the 90's! Yes fuckin please! This is the most underrated Horror movie of the late 90's boom and the 90's as a whole in general. This Rodriguez banger has his energy tatted all over it. It's aged pretty well too. I can revisit this adventure any day on the calendar and still enjoy myself. Some movies like THE FACULTY really do welcome the popcorn-style of watching them. Williamson and Rodriguez should team up again. What magic they could make.
Paper cutter-wise this movie puts Jon Stewart on the wrong end of one of the school’s cutters when his cover is blown that he’s an alien. Josh Hartnett serves the lethal blow: He looks bad-ass rippin’ that blade off and swings it like a homerun hitter. Oh, and can’t forget those slithery fingers that crawl away after being dismembered...fuckin creepy!
4. Horror High (1973) And as Twisted Brain (1974)
70's Horror just warms my heart. Yeah, the era had a rawer feel and bludgeoned the door open to more realistic violence in cinema, but... I just love basking in the ambience of the decade. Plus, it was the start of many talented director's careers: Wes Craven, Tobe Hooper, David Cronenberg and more.
One gem that some may or may have not seen is a little school flick called HORROR HIGH directed by a man named Larry N. Stouffer. It has an uneasy tone with just a pinch of silliness. And, you know… I have to say, I'm baffled at the rating this movie was given which is PG. Stouffer got away with some audacious stuff here. I understand PG-13 didn't exist yet but, my goodness, there's some R-Rated gore up in here!
The story in this movie is almost asinine but it's done with just the right amount of urgency that it demands to be taken seriously. It's worthy of being in collections. Of course, It's a little pricey to own physically at the moment, so snag it if you can find it for a reasonable price.
Oh yeah, given the subject matter of this list, I'd like to mention that this movie’s paper cutter scene may be the most realistic of this bunch!
3. The Editor (2014)
Astron 6 is a kick-ass Canadian film company that does the type of movies I live for: Slashers and gore films. But, I'm sure A6 can do whatever style they want while perfecting the execution, so I can't wait to see whatever it is they deliver next!
In their amazing, Easter egg-dripping homage to Giallo films, there's all sorts of outrageous bloodshed. One of my favorites from this film long before this list was even thought of is the paper cutter scene. It just feels right in the name of gore given that the protagonist “The Editor” chopped off his fingers accidently while editing a movie. These Astron 6 motha fuckas do splatter and gore properly!
And the way the dialog is performed echoes the poorly dubbed English tracks that most Giallos from the 70's and 80's have. Even though this movie is satire, it takes itself almost seriously. As I said, the references are so cool and so accurate that this basically counts as a Giallo film... except, it's a Canadian film! Fine with me as it's a love letter to brilliant, Italian filmmaking. Astron 6, the Horror world needs you! Please make another film!
2. Vault Of Horror (1973)
70's Horror again. A Tales From The Crypt movie to be precise titled VAULT OF HORROR. There's no Crypt Keeper or Vault Keeper here cackling around but there are five tales equipped with a fairly dark wraparound story. Four out of five of these stories told by the main characters are from actual Tales From The Crypt comics and the other one is from Shock Suspense Stories comics. The film is shot well and offers damn fine gory goods to feast on. There's one death that's so fuckin awesome, I can't believe I've never seen it done before watching this.
The paper cutter scene is probably the main money shot depending on who you're asking. I'd have to think about it more but at the moment I'd go with the climax of the opening story as the main dish. I'm not taking any well deserved credit away from this ballsy albeit hilarious paper cutter scene though. That's why I happily placed it comfortably at the number 2 spot.
1. Bloodsucking Bastards (2015)
There are some films that inject a twist to basic zombie movies by making their creatures demons or rage virus victims instead of actual zombies. And some, like BLOODSUCKING BASTARDS, use vampires. Of course, the rules are changed around a bit due to vampires having their own lore, but it's the same bad-ass setup: heros kicking ass and blood splatter everywhere!
Director Brian O'Connell had his mind set right while making this movie. It's exactly what you think it is when you hear the title. One of the many smart moves O'Connell did was throw Fran Kanz in this wild vampire ride. Kanz is the stoner in THE CABIN IN THE WOODS and the main character in YOU MIGHT BE THE KILLER, two bloody films I recommend. Another recognizable face that goes by the name of Pedro Pascal from GAME OF THRONES fame shows up in this movie. He can be just as hilarious as he can be menacing. However, props go out to the whole cast and crew. BLOODSUCKING BASTARDS is a movie that emits a positive Horror vibe.
Kanz's character is the one who uses the paper cutter in this movie and it's used sufficiently. A head-slice and a head-chop are both shown on screen and appear painfully realistic. It's hardcore and I love how the cutter was used in a super, aggressive manner, no one-swipe shit, just swinging to kill!. So, to me, BSB has the best paper cutter scene in the genre of Horror! Give this movie a shot if you haven't already!!!
Honorable Non-Horror Mentions
The Punisher - 2004
Born Bad 1997
Paper Cutter facts
Most stack paper cutters can cut 100's of sheets of paper in one swift pass of the blade.
Source: wiki
Most paper cutters come equipped with a finger guard to prevent users from accidentally cutting themselves or severing a digit while using the apparatus. However, injuries are still possible if the device is not used with proper care or attention.
Until next time, keep it bloody, Beyond The Voiders!!!
Dr.LoveGore is all about the gore, and quality in anything related to Horror. Movies, soundtracks, comic books, novels, you name it, he loves it!
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