We currently live in a time where niche is no longer just a flavor of the week... audiences constantly look to get their grubby hands on anything that looks remotely nostalgic or is a re-packaged classic finally available for consumption. I'll try to keep the food puns minimal but that brings us to our feature "Attack of the Killer Donuts!"
I, for one, am that particular audience... Title and poster alone will sell me on a film... a little effort in these areas go along way with audiences. Yet these alone do not make for a great throwback... add in a good dose of gore, some nudity and a lurid sense of "up all night" aesthetic and you have a film here that checks all the boxes of a late night drunken blast.
Scott Wheeler frees himself from the cut and paste spirit of Asylum pictures and gives us a mash-up of green serum that brings a pastry to life and like a tomato before it, goes on a rampage killing everything in it's path.
I will forgive a movie with this much heart for CGI shortcomings and acting that doesn't always hit the mark. Attack of the Killer Donuts will easily be a rotation movie in my collection and fits nicely in to my top 10 of 2017. Often midnight movies have to find the right audience to ensure a place in the annals of midnight greats, I hope a larger audience finds this one!
***Attack Of The Killer Donuts is out NOW!
Cine_Fury is one of the busiest guys we know. We he is not busy. He has a passion for devouring gore and the underground horror scene.
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