By Cine_Fury
Top 10 Horror Movies of 2019
10. The Furies
Top 10 lists are subjective, as they should be... sadly so many people overlook the fun horror that is still being made. Their top lists will contain the theater puke, and critic dreck... get back to what horror should really be, like The Furies.
9. The Lighthouse
I have nothing more to say about this one that hasn't been said. Defoe was robbed for Oscar nominations.
8. Ready or Not
I'm torn on this one... I know I've listed it in the top 10, plainly... it was a fun film. Good concept, good acting, good all around... but I feel like it's missing something.
7. The Girl on The Third Floor
This one was gross... but good gross. I'm a sucker for good gore and probably score this higher then most for taking it to a very good gross level by the final reel.
6. Haunt
Really dug this one... the best of the haunt theme films up to this point. The story is a little lacking but it makes up for it with visceral acting and scares, with a good dose of gore.
5. Daniel Isn't Real
Has all the trappings of exploitation gold, but doesn't quite go for the jugular. But still a hell of a fun, engrossing mindfuck movie... begs for multiple viewings just to get it all in.
4. Nekrotronic
This one was plane fun from beginning to end. I always want more gore, however this one still delivers. Visual flair to spare, Nekrotronic never let's up. Probably the most fun I had at the movies
3. 3 From Hell (fuck all the haters)
All the Zombie haters can eat shit... if you can't appreciate a film that feels like it was made for the diehard fans and contains exactly what Zombie wants to throw at the screen, then keep watching IT 2 and the shit they sell to the masses.
2. The Color Out Of Space
Probably would have been my favorite, if Bliss hadn't blown me away. This will easily be on my rewatch list for years to come. A visual treat, and a Nicolas Cage treat.
Begos takes his time to get going. His visual sense creates such a fucking mind trip of a film. By the time you reach the finale, are bets are off and this one goes for the jugular! Begos is currently one of my favorite directors around.
Sidenote: Lords of Chaos should be in the top 10. Technically may not be horror, and the initial release may have been 2018. Blu Ray was early 2019... still a crazy fucking film.
Cine_Fury is one of the busiest guys we know. But, When he isn’t. He has a passion for devouring gore & the underground horror scene.
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