By Eric Myford
Movie adaptations of video games are notoriously awful with very few exceptions. In fact if I were to make a list of the best horror video game movie adaptations it would likely just be Silent Hill ten times. But that said, I still believe in the possibility of the occasional great adaptation. So let's take a look at 20 games I would love to see adapted into a live action film. Note: There are some existing movies I would love to see rebooted *cough*Resident Evil*cough* to be more fitting of the video game franchise, but for now, just the non-adapted as of yet.
*Keep in mind we will have more to list next week so tune in for part 2
Horror Video Games That NEED To Become Movies [Part 1]
The Last of Us
Let's start this list out right. I don't think anyone can deny that this was the pinnacle of video games and lucky for us genre fans, it's a horror game. Imagine a world where a fungal infection turns people into mindless monsters and not only do you have to contend with them, but the roaming bandits who just want your supplies. Truly a masterwork of post-apocalyptic gaming. The story is incredibly rich and wouldn't be done properly in one movie so it would definitely have to be a duology or maybe even a trilogy. But I would love to see this happen someday, just to hear that clicker sound on the big screen.
You arrive in an Art Deco stylized city beneath the sea filled with artists that have been driven mad by a strange drug, and now you must fend off psychopaths and save strange little girls that the psychos are trying to harvest for said drugs. Or harvest them yourself for the drugs while dodging their monstrous protectors. Yeah, it's a completely unique experience and would lend itself well to the big screen, but only on a huge budget. Ironically this was set to be made until Gore Verbinski demanded a large budget and that the movie be rated R, and of course it fizzled after that. But he understood that was the only proper way to make the movie, so let's keep our fingers crossed that it happens someday.
Dead Space
An engineer must traverse a spaceship that has been subjected to some type of infection that has caused the crew to mutate into horrific monsters. Yeah, I know there have been a couple of animated films but how awesome would it be to have a live action adaptation with The Thing level practical FX. Oh god yes. Just imagine that insane gore and frenetic pacing on the big screen. No doubt if done right it would go down in history as one of the most legendary sci-fi/horror films of all time. Right up there with Alien and Event Horizon.
Left 4 Dead
An unknown virus has caused the majority of humanity to shift into flesh eating zombies and some end up becoming something even worse. So this may seem like a strange choice because there really isn't a narrative here, and I would want the movie to be the exact same way. Bear with me. Imagine a zombie movie that has same blistering pace and level of action as the game. Hardly any dialogue, no real story to speak of, just hundreds of zombies running at the protagonists, big monsters getting into the mix, loads of gore, bullets flying. I would watch the hell out of that movie, make it happen, Hollywood. Because we sure as hell aren't getting another game since Valve is afraid of the number 3. Ahem.
A death row inmate is thrust into a snuff film situation where the streets are patrolled by psychopaths and he must kill his way to freedom. God I love this game and it would make such a perfect movie if you kept the sadistic kills in tact. The story is actually quite good but this game has a level of violence that is just insane along with a cast of characters that are creepy as hell. When this game came out there was nothing like it and it stirred up so much controversy. I know what you're thinking. Controversy with video games? That's just something we never see in this day and age of common sense. Oh wait...
A man heads into an insane asylum only to discover that the most horrific events have occurred there and now his investigation turns into a fight for survival. What really made this game work was the overall uselessness of the main character. He couldn't fight, he could only run, and that made things legitimately terrifying. Also, it would make for a great found footage movie given the use of night vision camera mode throughout the story. Also heavy on jump scares, which are usually weak but it actually works here given how helpless you are as an protagonist. This would honestly work so well.
A member of a special forces team must contend against a supernatural phenomenon that is growing beyond the control of those who created it. Action/horror is a seemingly popular genre blend and I really think this game could be turned into a pretty ideal movie in that regard. It seems to have a lot of Asian horror influence and that matched with all the shootouts would honestly make a pretty unique and enjoyable flick. I would love to see this happen one day but the games were never hugely popular so it may be a long shot.
A vampire hunter looks to stop Dracula once and for all and travels to his castle to fight all manner of supernatural enemy in his quest to stop the prince of darkness. At least we have an animated TV series now, which is great, but I'm still itching for a big budget movie adaptation. I need it as a period piece though, none of this future technology molded into an old time period crap. Belmont needs his whip, a cross, some holy water and whatever else from the game. Loads of different enemies, lots of action. Can you see it? It would be amazing. And just update the score from Symphony of the Night and put that in here. Perfection.
Clock Tower
A girl is adopted along with other orphans by a well off family, only to discover they are all fodder for an evil man with giant scissors. Yeah, I know we're talking about a point and click survival horror game but I think it could be so good if it got into the right hands. The story alone lends itself to some real terror, especially when the protagonist is more or less helpless in addition to being in a foreign place, which happens to be the antagonist's hunting ground. That invokes instant terror. And since children are the victims, could be a real nail biter. It would be all about mood and atmosphere with punctuations of gore.
Dino Crisis
In a lab on a remote island, and outbreak of dinosaurs occurs and a team of soldiers must enter in an attempt to quell the threat. Basically it's Jurassic Park with the horror turned up and I am all about that. While I do like the Jurassic series, I would absolutely love to see a version that is hard R with crazy gore and lots of killing. You would like to see that, wouldn't you? I think we all would. This one is definitely a super long shot unless they make it for an absurdly low budget and it would just end up looking like shit. Much like the third game in the series. What the hell was that?
Do you think these should become movies? Which of these 10 would you love to see a movie of FIRST?
That’s it for this week! Be Sure to subscribe to LongLiveTheVoid News for 10 more Horror Video Games That NEED To Become Movies!
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