By Eric Myford
**A continuation of Eric’s Horror Video Games That Need to Become Movies. 10 More out of 20.
Five Nights at Freddy's
A night security guard takes a job at a pizza place only to discover that after the sun goes down, the animatronic mascots come to life and become homicidal. We almost got this movie but it turned into The Banana Splits Movie, which is really cool and you should watch it, so I do think there is hope this could happen. But don't make it light and don't make it funny, just make it highly atmospheric and super creepy. I really think it could work, but really only with a more seasoned horror director at the helm to not turn it into cheese. I don't want cheese with this pizza. Well I always want cheese but you know what I mean.
A man must don an evil mask that turns him into a killing machine so he can rescue his girlfriend from an evil house and the monsters that dwell inside. Seriously though, wouldn't this just be the goriest movie ever? And I mean ever. This movie would have to funded by Karo syrup and their stock would go through the roof. The original games may be on old systems but that remake had the right idea and featured insane amounts of gore, and that's what this movie should be. Just a non-stop gorefest. Swoon...
Alan Wake
An author must solve a mystery surrounding his own book which transports him into a nightmare version of his current location where even the shadows are trying to kill him. This would make such a great movie because the game itself is already pretty damn cinematic. A very rich story, lots of great visuals and it's fairly unique as well. If it could be translated properly and that mood captured on film, we would get one hell of a horror movie. And probably nine shit sequels, but as long as we get that first one done correctly, probably worth it.
Nightmare Creatures
Disciples of Adam Crowley create a serum to give themselves superpowers only to mutate all of them into horrific creatures and now a man and a woman must set out to destroy them all. Kind of an obscure one I'm guessing since I never hear anyone talking about it, but I really loved this game. It wasn't even that it was a great game, it was kind of difficult and repetitive, but the monsters were so cool and it was very action heavy. And since it takes place in the dark, fog filled streets of London, it lends itself to a film adaptation really well. Just keep the monsters as practical FX as much as possible and this could be really cool.
Dead Island
An island resort is set upon by a zombie apocalypse and now a rag tag group of survivors must try and fight their way to freedom. This is another game that isn't really narrative heavy but one must just watch that initial trailer for the game to know the potential is there. On the other hand, we could just go Left 4 Dead style and make it a balls to the wall zombie killing gore epic, with mostly melee weapons. Creative ones at that. Except it would be set in the tropics, which is a pretty cool locale and make for another movie I would watch the hell out of.
Condemned: Criminal Origins
An FBI agent is hunting a serial killer through skid row, dealing with the psychotic denizens of the streets only to discover this is no ordinary murderer. Severely underrated horror game and I also include the sequel in that statement. This would be a moody, hardboiled detective like story that is just gritty and violent. And there's more than it seems to the story, which is all I'm going to say because spoilers. This could make for a really dark horror film if done in the same style as the game.
The Evil Within
A detective investigating a mass murder finds himself pulled into a nightmarish world of grotesque monsters and now he must battle his way to both the truth and freedom. I loved this game so much. It takes on so many influences and just manages to blend them together until it works. Such as Resident Evil, Asian horror films and nice heaping spoonful of Lovecraft as well. It's just such a visually impressive game and so horrific I would absolutely love to see an adaptation on the big screen.
A hunter must make his way through a Victorian inspired city not only affected by plague, but filled with all manner of beast and abomination. I always thought this was kind of a spiritual successor to Nightmare Creatures, but, you know, like a lot better. If you could carry the monsters, frenzied action and general atmosphere over to a movie, it would be absolutely insane. And since the game is known for the notorious difficulty, the viewer would never feel safe about the protagonist's ability to survive.
Dying Light
An undercover agent is sent to a quarantine zone to uncover its secrets, but it is beset by the undead seeking human flesh as well as things far worse when the sun goes down. This game has a good narrative but the main draw is the zombie fighting mixed with parkour and a brutal day/night cycle. This would be a tough one to film for sure, because someone would need to do some strong acting as well as be highly agile and mobile. But if they could transfer the core of this game to the screen, pulse pounding to say the least.
The Suffering
A death row inmate who swears he is innocent is residing in a prison when an earthquake hits, releasing all manner of supernatural threat, forcing him to fight his way to freedom. Another underrated game. The setting alone is gold. It's still basically fighting monsters, but set in a prison, and that is too cool. And there's such a variety of monsters for him to fight. Pretty good narrative as well but those monsters are the main draw. Give us a gorefest in a prison already!
There are many more horror games (of course) but this list is just 20 (From Part 1 & this one) that I would love to see happen. Maybe one out of the twenty would be awesome, that seems to be the average, but we can always hope for more. All I know is that I would be ecstatic to see any of these make the light of day. Unless they feature the words: Directed by Uwe Boll. Now THAT's horrific.
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