By Kyle Laugh
Recently, I was approached by the writer, director and editor Ricky Umberger, about a film entitled “The Fear Footage” and was asked if I would be willing to review the found footage film for him. After taking a gander at the movie trailer, I decided I would take the plunge and accept the review request, only to be surprised with an offer of a physical copy of the film being sent to me, not only a pretty sweet deal this day and age but also admittedly, the first physical copy of any material I'd ever been sent. So bonus points for originality right from the start.
But enough about the awesome stuff that’s happened to me, on with “The Fear Footage”.
The film runs like an anthology, adding a variety of pieces to the puzzle using previously recorded footage which are used to partially unravel the mysteries set within a house which was said to have been torn down the year prior. These pieces of footage are taken in by the viewer through the body cam of Deputy Leo Cole whom had the unfortunate displeasure of responding to a call regarding the home which has suddenly reappeared.
These featured tapes each carry a different story which may or may not be related to what Deputy Cole is currently facing himself within the home but each give off something unique but ultimately unexplained.
Throughout recent years, I've gained a immense respect for low budget films, especially those of a found footage nature. More so as of late, thanks to my buddy Jed Brian, I was able to get an inside look at what goes into making such a film. With a greater insight, you learn to appreciate the little things a bit more than someone such as myself normally would have under different circumstances and with that said, I enjoyed what Ricky was able to conjure up for viewers.
He provided me with a unique set of visuals, displayed a great array of special effects and great settings to match the ideas he was putting into play while ensuring me prior to my viewing, thanks to a very awesome blood stained letter enclosed within the Blu-ray, that the film was not about a story or even being scared but to have his film be able to creep out horror fans.
He was successful in this throughout certain scenes, personally within the second tape which was shown, this feeling was on full display, while some other parts feel a tad bit short.
To reiterate, if you're looking for a well told story or for something that is carefully intertwined within different short stories, this is not for you, however, if you want something creepy, unique and something to possibly provide you with a few occasional nightmares, “The Fear Footage” will be right up your alley
5 out of 10.
Have you listened to the Beyond The Void Horror Podcast? They talk about Horror Movie Rip Offs this week. 2 movies in the genre that loved the greats so much they made their own versions versions. One from Bollywood as a Nightmare on Elm Street rip and one from Italy that tried it's hand at a Aliens/Terminator Rip in one movie. Have listen here or you can Listen/Subscribe on iTunes here!