
I'm back for more because there are always more, today I'm looking once again at big actors who got their start in horror. Ah yes, the red headed stepchild of Hollywood launches many a career and today we are looking at ten more such careers. So let's just get into it, shall we? See if we can surprise you yet again...

If you missed it here’s Part 1


10 Big Hollywood Actors Who Got Their Start In Horror - Part 2


Julia Louis-Dreyfus – Troll (1986)

That's right, the Seinfeld alum starred in the 1986 craptasterpiece Troll. A movie eclipsed by its even more legendarily horrendous sequel. Here a young boy named Harry Potter discovers that magic is real and must contend with a fantastical creature. Well doesn't sound familiar at all. Nope, no way a popular book series ripped this movie off. Anyway, young Julia has a prominent role here in her first ever credit.


Jason Alexander – The Burning (1981)

May as well continue the Seinfeld theme and bring this wonderful role up. What seemed like it would be a cheap rip off of Friday the 13th ended up being a better and even more brutal camp slasher film, which starred none other than Costanza himself in his first ever role. I highly recommend this film and if you haven't seen it yet, I'll leave it up to you to see if he survives or not.


Tom Hanks – He Knows You're Alone (1980)


This 1980 cheapie serial killer flick is actually not bad, I liked it. But it is most notable for this being Hanks' first ever role. And he wasn't even a main character, just some side dude. It's not going to blow the doors off the horror world or anything, but it's some nice humble beginnings for arguable the best known actor working today. Check it out, if nothing else, to get a look at his atrocious haircut.


Hilary Swank – Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992)


While Buffy featured many a soon to be star this is one of the bigger ones. The future Oscar winner doesn't have a huge role here, but a substantial one nonetheless and has her playing a character that would prove she has the acting chops to pull off just about anything. And come on, this is just a fun movie that would spawn and even better TV show, so if you haven't seen this yet, what are you waiting for?


Joseph Gordon-Levitt – Dark Shadows [TV -Series Remake] (1991)

While the reboot of the classic Dark Shadows series wouldn't exactly be a hit, it would mark the first time this fine actor had a regular role in a TV series, something we would definitely see him do again later down the line. Following it up with a rather successful movie career. I liked this show, doesn't touch the original in terms of quality but they made the mistake of trying to jam over 1,000 episodes of the original series into a single season. Yikes.


Chloe Grace Moretz – The Amityville Horror [Remake] (2005)


Another child actor who would continue on to have a prolific film career as an adult, and also started in a remake. How quaint. This would be her first feature film as only a wee tyke but she already shows those great acting chops we would see later down the line as well. I actually quite like the remake personally, I think they did a good job with it, and casting Chloe was definitely an excellent move.


Charlize Theron – Children of the Corn III: Urban Harvest (1995)


This actress, who is absolutely amazing and tears into every role in every genre started in this movie, and wasn't even credited! Could you imagine? But there she is, that's her. Probably my favorite of the Children of the Corn sequels, yeah, I know, not saying much, but I actually liked this. It's honestly very violent and creative and even though she barely has a role here, kind of cool to see her in the background.


Chris Hemsworth – A Perfect Getaway (2009)


After some TV work this ended up being his first starring film role, and well, the rest is history. So before he was filling drool cups across the globe he was getting involved in slaughtering tourists. Neat! I like this movie too, yeah it may not be some amazing thriller but it's a very solid one with a pretty great cast. And he's shirtless, so if my recommendation isn't enough for you, there is that.


Patricia Arquette – A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987)


First ever role in one of the best horror sequels of all time. And she's the lead! That's a pretty great start. And sure she would return to the genre often between winning awards for other movies, but this role is just so special. I mean, come on, giant worm Freddy Krueger. She got to be gobbled up by that for her first time in front of a camera. She's the only one that can boast that, which is pretty awesome.


Shannon Elizabeth – Jack Frost (1997)


Getting a start in a killer snowman movie, sounds like it should have been a failed career from the beginning, but not with her! If you've seen the movie you know her best scene, which is pretty awesome in an otherwise mostly crap movie, but no spoilers! Go see it for yourself. Her first named role in a movie, it may not have been ideal, but it certainly launched quite the career for her.


I will find more somewhere down the road but as always this is a reminder that everyone starts somewhere, so if you're looking to do something with your life, all you have to do is start anywhere!



Author and poet currently residing in Tucson, AZ. Ever since he was a child, Eric Myford has had an obsession with horror. Fortunately, his parents never took issue with his genre of choice and allowed him to watch and read what he wanted.


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