By Dr.LoveGore
Halloween and The MLB World Series are cousins, I like to think. Both are at the end of October and both are really big deals each year. So, with that in mind, this week on I'd like to bring you all the...
Top 10 Brutal Baseball Bat Scenes In Horror
Spoilers Ahead…
10. Mikey - (1992)
My childhood friend who always made me feel good about my strength to look at gore scenes when he and his siblings would look away, called me to his home once to show me a rented VHS copy "Mikey". A little kid who murders. I think the back of the VHS mentioned Freddy and Jason so, I wanted to watch it right away. This bat scene had me thinking of it long after I watched it.
9. Deadball - (2011)
What's not to like about this fucked up movie? Japanese filmmakers just get it. They know what splatter and gorehounds want. To be quite honest, this bat death is...brutal enough to be number 9 on this list, but rather tame compared to the rest of bloodshed this movie hands to us. Search this movie out if you can.
8. Identity - (2003)
This movie's 50/50 with people. I like it. It's a good, little slasher movie with a whodunit. I did know who the killer was, but it didn't refrain me from it's enjoyment. This is by far the best kill in the movie though. Talk about deep-throating, Jake Busey should be in the fuckin porn business. That is quite the bulge in his throat.
7. Zombie Nightmare - 1987
A baseball, slasher, zombie film with extra cheese. Not the best movie, but it has a really cool the killer from a baseball bat. I bullshit you not. This gif below is my evidence.
6. Return of the Living Dead - (1985)
Released the same year as George A. Romero's "Day of the Dead," but drifted off into its own series..."Return of the living Dead" made up its own rules. A popular zombie by the name of Tarman eats brains but eventually gets his head (and brains) beaten off with a bat by Clu Gulugar. Clu was capable of anything in the 80's.
5. Billy Club - (2013)
Slasher movies are a soft spot of mine. "Billy Club" is no exception. "Billy Club" has many baseball bat deaths in this movie. This one is from a hilarious scene with a ferocious ending. Peak at this GIF at your own risk.
4. Zombieland - (2009)
"You got a perty mouth!" Or is it "purty"? Any fuckin way, why wasn't Woody Harrelson in any zombie-comedies before this one? He is perfect for this role, the whole cast was, really. The sequel is do out next year and I can't wait to see more Woody bashing ugly zombies. Hopefully we'll get another bat kill!
3. The Walking Dead [Season 7 Episode 1] - (2016)
Everybody remembers the controversy this episode had. The show known as "The Walking Dead" had killed children characters at this point, mothers after delivering babies, good guys, bad guys, you name it. It was the death of not Abraham, but Glenn, that had fans crying foul. This scene was exactly what people were asking for at the prior season's cliffhanger. Point careful what you wish for, cause you might just get it. This was a savage and emotional scene, and perhaps, the last time "The Walking Dead" had a death this effective.
2. Dario Argento's Pelts [Masters of Horror Season 2 Episode 6] - (2006)
John Saxon. What the fuck! This looks painful. Dario Argento is no stranger to on screen violence, however, this short movie made for the "Masters of Horror" series is a shrieking, bloody, time. The artist known as "Meatloaf" is the lead and has one of the most vicious, skinning scenes I've ever bore witness to. The bat to Saxton's face was almost just as ghastly.
and the Number One Brutal Baseball Bat Scene in Horror is…
1. Battlefield Baseball - (2003)
Who would ever think of a death scene like this? The Japanese, that's who! I love them for it. It's unbelievable... sure, but it looks so fuckin cool I almost couldn't wrap my head around it the first time I saw it. The film has lots of surprises so, this one death scene isn't the only fun to be seen here. It's on youtube at the moment with some shitty subtitles. Still has to be seen to be believed though.
Honorable Mentions
The Monster Squad - (1987)
Saturday Night Live [Season 42 Episode 6] - Dave Chappelle skit - (2016)
The Shining - (1980)
Honorable Non Horror Mentions
Casino - (1995)
Inglourious Basterds - (2009)
The Warriors - (1979)
The Raid 2 - (2014)
The Untouchables - (1987)
Be Cool - (2005)
I'm Dr.LoveGore wishing everyone a safe Halloween day and night. Eat lots of candy and watch Horror movies!!!! Until next week, keep it gory, my friends!!!
Dr.LoveGore is all about the gore, and quality in anything related to Horror. Movies, soundtracks, comic books, novels, you name it, he loves it!
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This week on Beyond The Void Horror Podcast is back to review Sleepaway Camp (1983) & Sleepaway Camp 2 Unhappy Campers (1988)! They break down both with loads of trivia and bad humor. See what they think about these movies. You can listen here or you can Listen/Subscribe on iTunes here!