** Please give a warm welcome to our newest contributors for the website Cine_Fury! If you like the underground horror scene Cine will lead the way for some gorey and fun horror treats. Without further ado here is Cine_Furys Top 5 of 2017!
Best of 2017:
Dead Shack
Dead Shack (2017)
A synth score and home invasion/kids in peril story line, this slice of 80's nostalgia hits all the boxes in this new age retro movie world. Genuinely funny, splice in some gore and a great visual palette highlight Dead Shack.
Hotel Inferno II: The Cathedral Of Pain
Hotel Inferno II: The Cathedral Of Pain (2017)
Upping the anti, as per usual with Necrostorm. Hotel Inferno II sticks to the FP go for the jugular gore that highlighted the first one. A rare treat of actually accomplishing more mind blowing chunks and true.
The Night Watchmen
The Night Watchmen (2017)
Genuinely funny and not PC in the slightest. The Night Watchmen goes for the jugular literally. Vampires. Vampire Zombies etc funny as all fucking hell with really good gore, this one joins a small group of successful horror comedies that successfully do both.
Mayhem (2017)
Joe Lynch returns to form with an in office horror film, which seems to be a growing trend but for Lynch's take on this new sub genre he hits all the right notes starting with strong character actors and some outrageous gore sets easily a midnight movie to watch with friends and cheer for death!
Pool Party Massacre
For pure entertainment value, gore set pieces, nudity and nostalgia. This is my go to movie of the year. Often a title and poster can sucker you in, thankfully Pool Party sets you up for a seriously fucking throwback masterpiece.
Cine_Fury is one of the busiest guys we know. We he is not busy. He has a passion for devouring gore and the underground horror scene.
***Want to check out the Podcasts Top 2017? New Episode is up now! Click Here to Listen