When someone owns close to 7 thousand movies and watches a thousand a year. You tend to pay attention. Eric Myford puts together his Top 15 films of 2019. Check it out!
Up next in our writers top picks for 2019. Rebecca Rinehart puts together her Top 5 Theatrical Releases AND her Top 5 Independent Releases. For 10 Movies you should check out if you haven’t.
We continue LongLiveTheVoids writers Top Horror of 2019 with Matt Rogerson who has pointed out a lot of films that hold a deeper and more thoughtful meaning to the genre. See what he picked!
The first of many TOP 2019 Horror Movies from the writers here at LLTV! Check out Athenas picks for this past year!
Inmate Zero (2020) just came out previously called Patients of a Saint. Was it everything I was hoping for from a black eyed zombie demon prison horror film or not? Find out in the Video Review SPOILER FREE below.
Two female addicts, Buffalo and Trout, are hired to rob a white supremacists house. Once arriving to the house they are faced with a decision; either take the money and call it a job well done, or stay and rescue the young kidnapped couple being tortured by a group of white supremacists.
Whether it’s Blu Rays or DVDs you like to collect. You may not have considered The Dollar Tree for your horror hunting needs. They have been getting loads of movies from Walmart, Best Buy and many other places to sell their overstock. It’s a great way to fill up your collection for a dollar a piece. A Dollar? Yep. You got that right. Happy Hunting!
So we got to check out the new The Grudge movie and boy oh boy… This is what we had to say about it. Did you see it ? Do you agree?
2019 has been a big year for a lot of things not always so great, but this is my last video of 2019 and horror movie haul. I have some important information for you guys in here and of course a lot of thanks. Let’s make 2020 our bitch!
It's time to get down to the wire and examine some Horror movie scenes that involve one of the movie's characters being stuck on the wrong end of some form of wire. And I mean forms of wires that can be used in a barbaric fashion.
Scrolling through horror twitter after the release of Sophia Takal’s Black Christmas (co-written by April Wolfe), it didn’t take long to find negative comments about the film. In fact, I didn’t even have to search – they came to me. In droves. Peppering my timeline (and, no doubt, the filmmakers’ timelines and inboxes) with vitriol and rage.
Andrzej Żuławski is the conductor that keeps his audience focused on the orchestra of horror that lies beneath modern relationships. What causes most marriages to fail because people refuse to look beyond the veil of the honeymoon stage, expecting something else entirely.
All the horror movies you want to see in ONE spot. Every Tues… Every Week.. Are you ready for what’s coming or out right now in the horror genre? Well, buckle up friends! Here is a list of New Horror Trailers & Releases to die for this week.
All the horror movies you want to see in ONE spot. Every Tues… Every Week.. Are you ready for what’s coming or out right now in the horror genre? Well, buckle up friends! Here is a list of New Horror Trailers & Releases to die for this week.
All the horror movies you want to see in ONE spot. Every Tues… Every Week.. Are you ready for what’s coming or out right now in the horror genre? Well, buckle up friends! Here is a list of New Horror Trailers & Releases to die for this week.
It’s that time for another Video Movie Haul. Here is my haul for November! Hope you enjoy it. All the links I mentioned are below. What would you guys also pick up. Or which do you think is my biggest scores on a budget?
All the horror movies you want to see in ONE spot. Every Tues… Every Week.. Are you ready for what’s coming or out right now in the horror genre? Well, buckle up friends! Here is a list of New Horror Trailers & Releases to die for this week.
All the horror movies you want to see in ONE spot. Every Tues… Every Week.. Are you ready for what’s coming or out right now in the horror genre? Well, buckle up friends! Here is a list of New Horror Trailers & Releases to die for this week.
In 1988, Hong Kong introduced the Category rating system, with the most horrific of subject matter falling under Category III, meaning: No persons younger than 18 years of age are permitted to rent, purchase, or watch this film in the cinema. Nothing new as most places have some sort of rating system, but this one was strict and rigorously enforced. However, from this, some of the gnarliest horror movies ever made came from this system
I got to watch the sequel to The Shinning finally. A movie I wasn't exactly crazy about. I did a spoiler free review so you are safe! See what you think about what I thought. do you agree? Let me know.