These are the kind of movies that could never be palatable by the faint of heart. You will see no Saws or Hostels on this list because, frankly, that's bush league. The following movies hit hard and they never let up, for various reasons.
Ghost Killers Vs Bloody Mary. A group of Fake Youtube Ghost Hunters encounter Bloody Mary and have to save a school. Have you guys seen this one? What do you think?
Miles is stuck in a dead-end job, still in love with his ex-girlfriend Nova. Unbeknownst to him, a gang called Skizm is running a deadly competition within his city in which complete strangers fight to the death for the entertainment of an online audience of millions. Miles soon finds himself caught up in the game and forced to fight in a battle to the death.
Got to check out the new anthology VEROTIKA (2020) that was written, directed and produced by Glenn Danzig. See what I had to think about my first watch. Maybe that will change?
This article is dedicated to the wonderful women that grace the Horror genre. I, along with many fans, thank and appreciate you all, not only for contributing to the genre, but for being its backbone and giving it legs.
Hey guys this is my monthly collection video for FEB! At the end of each month I do one of these to show you what's out and maybe help you find movies you might like as well. Stick around to the end because I got a little wild for one of these movies. Hope you enjoy and have a laugh!
Looking for all the best Lovecraft horror movies to tickle the Inner-Outer God in you? Well we got the spot for you to discover some new ones that you may have never heard of before. Check this one out before you go mad…
There is the stereotype for girls that we obsess about a white picket fence, an illustrious wedding, kids, Barbie dolls, the color pink, and liking boys. I didn’t fall into this category and because I deviated from this, I had trouble with a lot of my interpersonal relationships. Rosemary’s Baby provoked these kinds of questions to myself on the subject of the birth of a child and being with a person on such an intimate level.
Matt Rogerson takes a look at perhaps the most accomplished horror of Black Cinema, Bill Gunn’s Cannes Critic’s Choice prize-winner from 1973.
A horror adaptation of the popular '70s TV show about a magical island resort. Spun into a Blumhouse picture. Find out what I thought of this movie and why you should keep your wallet away.
There are a lot of great horror games out there and honestly just games that would be cool movies, so my mind nagged me to write another edition of this. So let's just dive right in and check out ten more horror video games that need to be made into movies.
A man in his thirties travels to a remote cabin to reconnect with his estranged father. Find out what I thought about this little film with a lot to offer. Have you seen it yet? You can rent Come To Daddy (2019) On Digital NOW.
A radio star experiences the worst night of his life when stalkers assault the radio station where he's working. See what I thought about the movie. It may surprise you. It was pretty intense. See what I had to think about it.
New year, NEW Haul. Here's what I picked up for the month of January 2020. Found quite a bit that I've been meaning to pick up or just wanting to watch lately. What did you like in this haul? Which are you interested in most?
So the news broke a few days ago about The Thing Remake is officially getting made. What are we to expect? Should We Worry? What is the history of the original story. I discuss a few things about it and what I would like from it. Let me know your thoughts below and discuss it below. Are you excited, angry or cautious?
Well, it's a little late but the movie came out on VOD/Digital for rent.. and we figured let's give it a shot. So here is my review of and expected crappy film? That might not be THAT bad? Find out.
Looking for a Alien Abduction horror scifi thriller movie to check out? Find out what I thought of Dark Encounter (2019) it could be something to hit that spot. Up now to rent or own. Have you seen it yet?
I finally got to watch The Assent (2020) Out now on VOD/Digital. Is it the freaky monsters on the prowl movie that we have been waiting for? Find out now by watching. If you enjoyed please like/subscribe/bell me. There's always more horror awaiting.
Dr.LoveGore is no stranger to a list as he does them year round. So it’s only fitting that he would show up for his Top 6 horror movies of 2019 in style. Check it out.
Cine_Returns from the grave to show he’s still got the goods when it comes to picking a lot of underground goodies for 2019. Check it out!